FIA Boca 2020 was cancelled because of coronavirus concerns, but John Lothian News carried on with its annual Industry Leaders interviews through videos and podcasts. This four-part segment with Larry Tabb, of Tabb Advisors, was taped on Monday, March 9, amid volatile market activity. Tabb analyzed the economic impact of the coronavirus, as well as trends in U.S. fixed income, market structure and competition, and MiFID II.
Cboe executive VP and head of markets talks about the MATCHNow acquisition, how price formation can differ in an all-electronic exchange, competition for retail...
The fintech landscape has seen a remarkable evolution over the past decades, marked by technological advancements and regulatory changes. That progress and those obstacles...
Paving the Way for 2024 Digital Asset Industry Optimism The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") today approved Prometheum Capital LLC to operate as a...