FIA Boca 2020 was cancelled because of coronavirus concerns, but John Lothian News carried on with its annual Industry Leaders interviews through videos and podcasts. This four-part segment with Larry Tabb, of Tabb Advisors, was taped on Monday, March 9, amid volatile market activity. Tabb analyzed the economic impact of the coronavirus, as well as trends in U.S. fixed income, market structure and competition, and MiFID II.
The coronavirus has had a profound impact on all market sectors, including botannicals. In the latest John Lothian News report on canna business, the...
Andre Buckles is the vice president of talent acquisition at the Options Clearing Corporation. He has been hiring people for more than two decades...
JLN spoke to Luc Fortin, president of TMX’s Montreal Exchange, about its newest short term interest rate product, CORRA futures, which launched in June....